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Hamburg To Host Five Matches

UEFA EURO 2024: Get Ready for the Biggest Football Event in Hamburg

Hamburg to Host Five Matches

Get ready for the unforgettable football experience as Hamburg prepares to host five matches during UEFA EURO 2024. The Volksparkstadion Hamburg will be the stage for these thrilling clashes, promising an electrifying atmosphere and unforgettable moments.

UEFA and Hamburg Collaborate

Both UEFA and the City of Hamburg are working tirelessly to ensure a seamless and memorable event. The final draw for the UEFA Euro 2024 group phase will be held in Hamburg, a testament to the city's commitment to delivering an exceptional tournament.

Plan Your EURO 2024 Experience

Whether you have secured tickets or are planning to soak up the atmosphere, these pages will provide all the essential information you need to make the most of your EURO 2024 experience in Hamburg. Get ready for an unforgettable celebration of football in the heart of Germany.
