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Not According To The New York Times

Is Biden Safe?

Not According to the New York Times

Poll Gives Trump 1-in-3 Chance at Victory

A new poll from the New York Times and Siena College has given the 2020 presidential election a jolt, showing that Donald Trump has a 1-in-3 chance of winning.

The poll, which was conducted from Oct. 15-19, has Biden leading Trump by just 4 points, 49% to 45%. This is a significant shift from the Times' previous poll in September, which had Biden leading by 14 points.

The poll also found that Trump is doing better among white voters, while Biden is doing better among black and Hispanic voters. Trump is also doing better among men, while Biden is doing better among women.

The poll's findings are consistent with other recent polls that have shown Trump gaining ground on Biden. A recent poll from ABC News and The Washington Post had Biden leading Trump by just 6 points, while a poll from CNN had Biden leading by just 4 points.

These polls suggest that the race is tightening, and that Trump has a real chance of winning. However, it is important to note that these polls are just snapshots in time, and the race could still change significantly before Election Day.
